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What makes meat eating UNSUSTAINBALE, causing IRREPAIRABLE damage to the earth, let’s take a look:

  • The anatomical evidence tells us that we’re optimized for eating mostly or exclusively plant foods.  The only way to come to another conclusion is to ignore the bulk of the anatomical evidence.  (Critics of this article either use inferior evidence, such as disputed assumptions about the prehistoric diet, or they cherry-pick the anatomical evidence while ignoring the bulk of it.)
  • Most plant-eaters eat small amounts of non-plant foods, usually insects (either intentionally or inadvertently).  The small non-plant consumption of plant-eating animals doesn’t mean that they’re “omnivores” in the classical sense, and certainly doesn’t justify the idea that humans are adapted to a very mixed diet of plant and non-plant foods.
  • “Omnivore” doesn’t mean 50% plants and 50% animals. Many of my critics consider chimpanzees to be omnivores but 95-99% of the chimp diet is plants, and most of the remainder isn’t meat, it’s termites. (see below)  If humans are omnivores, then the anatomical evidence suggests that we’re the same kind: the kind that eats almost exclusively plant foods.
  • The animals most similar to us, the other primates, eat an almost exclusively vegan diet.
  • Saying we’re omnivores because we’re capable of eating meat is just silly. We’re capable of eating cardboard, too.  And by the “capable” argument, then cats are omnivores too, since nearly every commercial cat food has plant ingredients.  (Check the label.)  Nobody would ever make the argument that cats are omnivores based on what they’re capable of eating.  But they sure make that argument for humans, enthusiastically.
  • Our so-called “canine teeth” are “canine” in name only. Other plant-eaters (like gorillashorses, and hippos) have “canines”, and chimps, who are almost exclusively vegan, have massive canines compared to ours.
  • Our early ancestors from at least four million years ago were almost exclusively vegans.

Chimpanzee: Pretty amazing canines for an animal that’s as much as 99% vegetarian (and whose main non-veg food isn’t meat, it’s termites). (Source: Creative Commons)

  • Among animals, plant-eaters have the longest lifespans, and humans are certainly in that category (and yes, this was true even before modern medicine).
  • We sleep about the same amount of time as other herbivores, and less than carnivores and true omnivores.
  • The most common cause of choking deaths is eating meat. (source) Real carnivores and omnivores don’t have that problem
  • The idea that a switch to meat-eating is what sparked early humans’ brain development has no more evidence to support it than the competing theories (such as that it was a switch to cooked foods that did the trick), and certainly doesn’t square with what comparative anatomy tells us.

Don’t forget the unending amount of diseases linked to meat eating like cardiac issues and cancer and off course in the long run a meat eating body becomes resistant to antibiotics. That’s because antibiotics that are prescribed to treat everything from ear infections to tuberculosis in humans are also used to save chickens from  getting infections from other chickens squeezed in together in one cage who keep pooping on each other due to lack of space and also to fatten up chickens fast to up their weights at the time of slaughter .These antibiotics enter your body when you eat meat making your body used to antibiotics and when you actually take  antibiotics for a particular disease your body does not respond to it . Don’t be surprised if your meat eating child attains puberty very early in life, or your male child has drooping breasts, it is actually the growth hormone injected to your chicken to grow them up fast and fatter.

Congratulations by choosing a vegan lifestyle you have become an environmentalist, stopped the destruction you would cause to the environment if you would have chosen a non-vegan meal and also your vegan choice has brought out the best quality in you like, of compassion, mercy, peace, giving dignity to other lives, a sense of sacrifice for a greater cause, giving your body food which is in its best interest, will power ,having a vision of the repercussions your actions can have on the environment, respecting all lives, being responsible for the earth defeating qualities like greed, selfishness, weak enough to give in for the sake of taste, contributing towards the destruction of the environment and to the brutality and torture caused to the animals.

There will be no use of the noble cause you do for a day if you follow a lifestyle which causes destruction to the environment every day.

Be the change – Go Vegan, Get Moksha